Fizzy Bath & Lights My WordPress Blog Tue, 11 Apr 2023 18:28:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fizzy Bath & Lights 32 32 Wood Sorrel: A Weed of Medicinal & Body Wonder In Your Backyard Tue, 11 Apr 2023 18:27:50 +0000 Do you hate weeds in your yard or garden. Then this weed Wood Sorrel may look like the hated patch of clovers found in yards. It is in the same family, but a very diferent plant. This weed can be used medicinally, and for bath products. What Is Wood Sorrel? Wood Sorrel is a med […]

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Do you hate weeds in your yard or garden. Then this weed Wood Sorrel may look like the hated patch of clovers found in yards. It is in the same family, but a very diferent plant. This weed can be used medicinally, and for bath products.

What Is Wood Sorrel?

Wood Sorrel is a med size wild weed that is edible. It grows in most parts of the U.S. & Canada. It is easy to find in your backyard. It is easy to find in your backyard. The leaves are heart-shaped and have a showy yellow or purple flower. It is lemony in flavor, that is before you brew it for tea. It is most commonly confused with a sort of look a like plant“The Clover” .

See Image comparison: Wood Sorrel

wood-sorrel-edible-plant- backyard
clovers- edible-plant
Clovers the other edible

Where Else Can It Be Found

Wood Sorrel can be found widespread hidden under other plants where it is shaded. Some types have branched roots, others produce onion-like bulbs.

Potted Plants

Wood sorrel can most of the time also be inside amongst your other garden of potted plants. I used to think that these were weeds inside my plants. Now I know what to look for. You may want to leave them there so they can help your plants retain their moisture and help hold the soil together.

Can Wood Sorrel Be Eaten

Yes, it can be consumed. In fact it is one of the most plated garnishes in high-end restaurants. The flowers have been used in cocktails. You can also steep the whole plant over boiling water and make a tea. Here is a tea that I made with it “Image below”

Wood Sorrel Being Steeped
Wood Sorrel Tea

What Can Wood Sorrel Be Used For

Bath And Body Products

  • Perfumes
  • Bubble Baths
  • Soap
  • Body Oils

Medicinal Uses Of Wood Sorrel

  • Sooth Stomach; when taken as a tea for indegestion
  • As a dieretic
  • As an astringent
  • The whole plant can be used to make meds
  • It has blood cleansing properties and is sometimes used by cancer patients(Consult a physician before using)
  • Topical Uses: It can also be used to cool the skin
  • Contains high amounts of Vitam C
  • Reduces Fever
  • Sore throats
  • Nausea
  • Mouth sores

Ingredient Caution

Wood Sorrel contains Potassium Oxalate, Oxalic Acid, which could be dangerous for people with kidney problems,gout, arthritis, especially if comsumed in too high of quantities. However, in minor comsumption

Product Disclaimer:

This content in this article is to be used for educational and gardening purposes only. And not intended for medical advice. Like all and any herb or plant before ingesting Always consult your Doctor ,medical herbalist for advice.

It is always advisable and wise to do your own research to what you put into your body, each person reacts different to diferent things and not everyone person is made alike.

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Cupid And That Steamy Bath For Two Mon, 13 Feb 2023 23:46:45 +0000 Inviting Cupid into that bath for two isn’t limited to V-Day. Anytime can be a “Cupid” day to steam it up in that bathroom for two. Getting Things Ready For That Steam Nothing can ruin a romantic mood like dirt and clothes strewn all over. When you clean the inside of your tub, and around […]

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Inviting Cupid into that bath for two isn’t limited to V-Day. Anytime can be a “Cupid” day to steam it up in that bathroom for two.

Getting Things Ready For That Steam

  • Clean And Declutter:

Nothing can ruin a romantic mood like dirt and clothes strewn all over. When you clean the inside of your tub, and around it, makes way for peace of mind and soul. Elemenating unwanted distractions that would take away from focusing on your Cupid time.

Decluttered bathing set-up for two
  • Candles

Having candles placed in or around the bathing area will set the ambiance for that steam. Any shape or form, tea lights. Just make sure they are not tall and slender ones. These will tip over and that would really dampen your mood for good.

It will be up to you if the candles are scented or not. The main thing I feel is the warm glow that emits from the candle, that sets that romantic feeling. The scents are just icing in the air.

  • Mood Music

The sound of music have been around for a very long time, even in it’s rawest form have been recognized to alter our moods.

Not one type or style of music invokes romance for everyone. Some people might like ocean music for romance. While others might prefer blues, or jazz. What ever the style make sure the quality is good. You may find that using a sound machine may help. Or maybe a soundtrack with good a quality sound. Whatever the form, make it count.

  • Make It Scentual
diffuser-scensual- mood-enhancers
Diffusers with mood enhancing lights


The art of using plants for it’s roots, essence, flowers, and pressing them have been around for a long time.

The essential oils that were extracted were used as aphrodisiacs to inspire allure and desire.

There are a wide range of essential oils that aid in sensuality.

Lavender essential oil for example decreases anxiety and stress. Calming also to help you wind down for that romance.

Other essential oils to consider are; Ylang Ylang, Patchouli if your man might think that Lavender is to girly.

The diffuser pictured above not only is filled with essential oils, but it has differnt lights that appear and you can set the essential oils on a timer for 1 -6 hours. And also if you don’t want the lights you can turn these off as well. I love these diffusers so much I have two of them.

  • Bubble Bath OR Bath Oil

Bubble baths aren’t just for women. There are some men out there that take baths /bubble baths. Some say that the reason they do so is

to relax tense muscles. And who would blame them. Myself, I prefer a bath to a shower anyday.

Try Rose, or Lavender scented bubble baths.

Bath Oils

Using bath oils in the bath can be a sketchy thing. Just remember that you don’t need a lot. Slippery, but fun and sensual to use as a body massager to knead out those sore muscles for later use.

  • Sugar IT Up

Sugar Scrubs

sugar- scrub- essential- oil
Sugar Scrub/Japanese Cherry Blossom

These are a blend of table sugar, essential oils, carrier oils Ex: (Grapeseed Oil). When rubbed on the skin it feels heavenly.

The sugar exfoliates the rough, dry patches. Leaving you with a smooth and silky feeling.

So why not massage one another with this and both of you can feel soft and smooth to the touch.

  • Privacy

If you have kids, pets, make sure everyone is down for the night. If this isn’t possible then I suggest that maybe ask Grandparents to watch kids for a night, or check into a hotel. Either way there will be for sure there won’t be any possiblities of being interupted. But still no phones , you can silence them or turn them off.

Romantic lighting in the bath

Make Time

Ups And Downs Of Life

I know that everyone has a busy life. With kids, afterschool activities, PTA stuff, deadlines.

But just remember that we all have to make a conscious decision to slow down once in awhile to stop and focus on the ones that really matter in our lives. Be it spouses or kids,parents, grandparents. We are here on this earth for a very short time. Not knowing when tonight might be our last.

Tell that person in your life who ever it might be that you Love them. It’s the little things that count

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Peppermint: Benefits Of Using It year-Round Fri, 23 Dec 2022 22:50:58 +0000 What is peppermint. This herb is a cross between 2 types of mints: water mint and spearmint. We know the taste and smell from candy and candles, foods and many other products ,that come from the essential oil inside this plant. Peppermint Of The Past Peppermint is indigenious to Europeand the Middle East. They used […]

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What is peppermint. This herb is a cross between 2 types of mints: water mint and spearmint. We know the taste and smell from candy and candles, foods and many other products ,that come from the essential oil inside this plant.

Peppermint Of The Past

Peppermint is indigenious to Europeand the Middle East. They used mints as medicine thousands of years ago.

Peppermint wasn’t recognized as a distinct hybrid until the late 17th century.


Herbs in market in Middle East

Credit pic: Linus Mimietz (Unsplash)


For the home gardener, Peppermint likes moist soil but not soggy and saturated one. It likes partial sun to shade. If you don’t want it to be a ground cover, because it spreads like wildfire put it in a container. This way you can contol the wild thing.

Benefits of Using Peppermint

Culinary And Other Uses

Peppermint leaves can be used fresh, dried alone in teas or mixed with other herbs for infusions.

It can be used in foods to flavour ice cream, candy,alcoholic beverages, chewing gum,toothpaste, soaps, skin care products.

Menthol is the active ingredient that activates the cold-sensitive topical application of peppermint oil.

shower- melts- heart-shaped- peppermint- vanilla
Shower Melt (Heart Shaped) Peppermint & Vanilla
Heart Shaped/Peppermint & Vanilla Scented Soap

Construction and Plumbing

Peppermint oil is also used in construction and plumbing to test for tightness of pipes and disclose leaks by it’s odor.

Healing: Peppermint has a significant antimirobial and antiviral activities. It also:

  • works as a strong antioxidant
  • displays anti-tumor actions in lab studies
  • shows anti-allergenic potential
  • has pain-killing effects
  • helps relax the gastrointestinal tract
  • may be chemopreventive

It’s a wonder why I love this herb. It is one of the most popular essential oils in the world and everyone should have it in their med cabinet.

13 uses and benefits Of Peppermint

Relieves MuscleAnd Joint Pain

Aids In Sinus Care And Other Respiratory Benefits

Seasonal Allergy Relief

Increase Energy And Improve Exercise Performance

Alleviate Headaches

Improves IBS Symptoms

Freshens Breath And Supports Oral Health

Promotes Hair Growth And Reduces Dandruff

Relieves Itchiness

Bug Repellent

Reduces Nausea

Improves Skin Health

Sunburn Protection And Relief

Using It Safely

Peppermint oil is versatile and just like anything else Use in Moderation. It’s safe for both internal and external use can be used with or without a carrier oil to dilute it (when used topically).

Diffuse It . Need a pick me up or a wake me up. Just put 5-8 drops in a diffuser.

When using any essential oil follow the essential oil usage guidelines for safety.

it will fill the room with it’s aroatherapy aroma.

Cook With It . You can cook with it using edible peppermint extract

Make A Massage Oil. To do this you need to add it to a carrier oil like grapesed.

Side effects

Aromatherapy or topical use of diluted essential peppermint oil can have significant benefits with little risk. But be aware that peppermint aromatherapy can be toxic to pets. Before using aromatherapy, always consider the safety of:

  • children
  • pets
  • pregnant people

Is peppermint oil good to drink? The answer is generally yes, but only in small amounts.

That said, taking excessive amounts of the oil orally can be toxic, so remember that a little bit goes a long way. All you need is one to two drops at a time.

Who should stay clear or avoid it

People with a specific enzyme deficiency, called G6PD deficiency, should avoid using peppermint as an extract or oil in aromatherapy.

Children, pregnant women, babies.

IF you are taking any prescription meds, always check with your Dr. before using Any essential oil

Take Away

I myself use essential oils in all my soaps and bath and body products that I hand craft.

When I make something for the first time I test it on me or ask some one also to try it and see what they think.

That is where labels on products come in . It shows what is inside of the make up if they can purchase it or not for their skin type.

Hope We All Learned A bit About The Use Of Peppermint Oil

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A History Of candle Making Fri, 16 Dec 2022 22:55:38 +0000 The history of candles is fascinating, complex, and sometimes even surprising .Let’s dive into candle-making from its very origins right through to today, a time when the candles are a multi-billion dollar industry, we have discovered new ways of making them, and of course we’ve added scent. And it’s scent that we’ll focus on, from […]

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The history of candles is fascinating, complex, and sometimes even surprising .Let’s dive into candle-making from its very origins right through to today, a time when the candles are a multi-billion dollar industry, we have discovered new ways of making them, and of course we’ve added scent. And it’s scent that we’ll focus on, from making candles with animal fat – imagine how they smelt – to the delicious variety of fragrances we have today

A History Of Candle Making

Candle-making can be traced back to the Egyptians, and the Roman Empire. Candles were used as an important source of light in religious celebrations.

Egyptians used rushlights” a type of candle made of a rush plant, by soaking and dipping the dried core several times in melted animal fat or grease. These were cheap to make and used by poor people for a long time.

The Romans were thought to be the ones to make the first wicked candle. They would wrap a roll of papryus around a length of twine and dip it repeatedly in tallow. The way candles were used didn’t change, but they lasted longer and were better quality than rushlights. 

Early Uses Of Candles Around The World

The Romans didn’t have the sole market in the making of candles. Many other early civilizations also invented wicked candles using waxes. In Japan candles wer made of wax extracted from tree nuts. Alaska and Canada used a “eulachon fish” as a candle. This is an edible fish. This fish was so oily that when dried it could burn like a candle when lite on one end.

Middle Ages; during this time 500AD for 1,000 years candle making took a dramatic change. No longer did they use smelly animal fat in making of their candles. Beeswax was starting to be used and growing in popularity. It is a much better smelling process and cleaner one. It is almost a smokeless burn. Due to the fact it was more expensive, it was used only in churches and wealthy homes. Just Sucks!!!.

Tallow candles were the common household candle for Europeans, and by the 13th century, candlemaking had become a guild craft in England and France. The candlemakers (chandlers) went from house to house making candles from the kitchen fats saved for that purpose, or made and sold their own candles from small candle shops.

How Candle making changed in 18th & 19th Century

Colonial women were the first Americans to offer their contribution to the candlemaking world by using the gray-green berries of the bayberry bush. Even though it smelled pleasant it was also so hard to extract. This was a short lived venture.

Whaling Industry was growing in the late 18th century. It brought the first major change in candlemaking since the Middle Ages, when spermaceti / a wax obtained by crystallizing sperm whale oil became available in mass. Like Beeswax, the whale oil didn’t produce nasty odors when burned. And it was also harder than tallow or beeswax. This was a welcomed sight because it wouldn’t bend in the summer heat. Historians note that the first “standard candles” were made from spermaceti wax.

It was during the 19th century that candle-making was truly revolutionized:

  • 1820s – a French chemist extracted stearic acid from animal fatty acids which led to the development of a hard, clean wax called stearin, which is still used in Europe today.
  • 1834 – the birth of industrialized candles. A molded candle production machine was invented and candles could be mass-produced. This also made them cheaper.
  • 1850s – chemists separated paraffin from petroleum and refined it into paraffin wax, odorless, clean-burning, and economical.

However, it was also during the 19th century that the lightbulb was invented. With that, candle-making went into severe decline for more than 100 years.

Candle Making Today

Fast forward to 2022, the candle making process and materials have come a long way. Now our choices of waxes are very wide.


Paraffin:: Inexpensive, Very hard but brittle. Holds high amount of FO, High melting point, Slower burn time, can be a smokey flame.

Beeswax: Hard wax, clean burning, food grade wax, highest melting point, drip less

Soy: Mid range price, slow burn, low fragrance hold, tends to shrink, pastel look when colored.

Coconut: Most expensive, clean burn, holds fragrance,colors very well, very little soot

Palm: Plant based oil, very firm,almost brittle, often mixed with soy, works well for pillars and votives.

Gel wax: Cobo of a resin and mineral oil, holds scent and colors well, transparent.

Rapeseed: Newer type, not common in U.S., mostly in EU, plant based, slow burn, good scent throw.

Styles Today

Candles don’t always have to have a wick. Just need a souce to burn it.

wax- melts
Fall Scented Wax Melts
flower-petals-essential oil-candle
Essential Oil Candles with Flower Petals
whipped- Artisan- Cupcake-Candle
Whipped Artisan Cupcake Candle

Well I hope you enjoyed this information on the history of Candle Making and learned something you can use if you decide to make one of your own.

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The Real History Of Candy Corn… Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:50:37 +0000 No other candy can match the creamy taste of candy corn. It has been a sweet Halloween treat for more than a century. Candy corn I think , and that I know of, might be the most controversial Halloween candy ever. It is called: The Fruit Cake of Halloween It has a history of being […]

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No other candy can match the creamy taste of candy corn. It has been a sweet Halloween treat for more than a century.

Candy corn I think , and that I know of, might be the most controversial Halloween candy ever. It is called: The Fruit Cake of Halloween

It has a history of being a LOVE It or HATE IT kind of candy. But even though it has a reputation, it is still the most bought at Halloween.

The National Retail Federation estimated that 95% of holiday shoppers stocked up on the three color treat. Not to mention it’s consistently the most popular Halloween candy in multiple states.

Candy Corn/ Traditional

Who Is Buying All Of The Candy Corn

10 Top States That Love Candy Corn:

  • California
  • Texas
  • Florida
  • New York
  • Michigan
  • Illinois
  • Pennsylvania
  • North Carolina
  • Georgia
  • Indiana

Where Was Candy Corn Invented?

Candy Corn has been said to have first been invented in the 1880s by George Renninger, who was a part of the Philadelphia-based Wunderle Candy company, where he was employed. While no one is quite sure if Renninger was the actual inventor, it is known that around that time, the Goelitz Confectionary Company picked the recipe up and started producing it on a large scale. Today, the Goelitz Confectionary Company is still in business but under a more familiar name: The Jelly Belly Candy Co.

How Is Candy Corn Made?

The Creamy concoction starts as a mixture of sugar, fondant, corn syrup, vanilla flavor, and marshmallow creme. All the ingredients are melted into a liquid candy and colored, and run through a cornstarch molding process to create each kernel. Wooden trays filled with cornstarch are imprinted with rows of candy corn molds, where the layers are individually deposited from bottom to top.

After the mixture is cooled in the trays they are removed and polished with edible wax.

What Kind Of Wax And Where Does It Come From?

Doing my research I found this: Don’t know how true it is but worth a read.


It contains traces of animal hides and bones. Candy corn is made with gelatin, a protein made from animal sources. Not Vegan in the least bit.

Outer Coating: This outer coating is a firm, smooth coating is listed as confectioner’s glaze on the ingredient label, but the stuff is also known as lac-resin, a coating that comes straight from lac bugs, bright red insects that are found in Asia.

Brown, Twig, Close-up,
Encrustations left behind from animal larvae


Other Images of Candy Corn

Candy Corn On The Cob What’s For Dinner!!
Turkey Dinner Candy Corn WHO THOUGHT OF THIS ?????
Try This- Candy Corn Pizza

Interesting Read I Think

Now you know just a little bit about that sweeet orange ,yellow and white treat.

The post The Real History Of Candy Corn… appeared first on Fizzy Bath & Lights.

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